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Using our extensive knowledge of fire protection principles along with cutting edge fire modeling techniques can allow FPI engineers to help you reduce design and construction costs. Fire models can be used to evaluate smoke control systems, automatic fire alarm and suppression systems, and conditions of exit routes during required egress time. Fire growth can be predicted based on different materials or fuel packages in a wide range of building geometries.


Fire and smoke modeling utilizes mathematical modeling software to simulate and measure the growth of fire, development and movement of smoke, and to predict the activation time of detection and suppression systems. The data developed in running these models is utilized by FPI to help architects and owners optimize building design flexibility and safety.


One common application of these models in building design is atrium smoke control. By using the latest fire modeling techniques, coupled with our fire protection engineering experience, FPI can predict how smoke may develop in an atrium fire allowing us to optimize the design and integration of a building’s fire protection systems. Early development of a fire protection strategy utilizing the right combination of passive and active fire protection features like smoke barriers, smoke control systems, fire alarm, and fire sprinkler systems can help control costs later in the project while maximizing both safety and architectural flexibility.


Get more information about our fire modeling services here: Fire Modeling

Fire Modeling

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